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اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Tmnt-010
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 اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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المدير العام
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تاريخ التسجيل : 11/12/2011
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 7556

اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987   اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Icon_minitimeالإثنين ديسمبر 17, 2012 5:02 pm

الترتيب الصحيح للحلقات

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987

الموسم الاول 1987
Episode 1
Turtle Tracks
Episode 2
Enter the Shredder
Episode 3
A Thing About Rats
Episode 4
Hot Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X
Episode 5
Shredder & Splintered

الموسم الثاني 1988
Episode 1
Return of the Shredder
Episode 2
The Incredible Shrinking Turtles
Episode 3
It Came from Beneath the Sewers
Episode 4
The Mean Machines
Episode 5
Curse of the Evil Eye
Episode 6
The Case of the Killer Pizzas
Episode 7
Enter: The Fly
Episode 8
Invasion of the Punk Frogs
Episode 9
Splinter No More
Episode 10
New York's Shiniest
Episode 11
Teenagers from Dimension X
Episode 12
The Catwoman from Channel Six
Episode 13
Return of the Technodrome

الموسم الثالث 1989
Episode 1
Beneath These Streets
Episode 2
Turtles on Trial
Episode 3
Attack of the 50-Foot Irma
Episode 4
The Maltese Hamster
Episode 5
Sky Turtles
Episode 6
The Old Switcheroo
Episode 7
Burne's Blues
Episode 8
The Fifth Turtle
Episode 9
Enter the Rat King
Episode 10
Turtles at the Earth's Core
Episode 11
April Fool
Episode 12
Attack of Big MACC
Episode 13
The Ninja Sword of Nowhere
Episode 14
20,000 Leaks Under the City
Episode 15
Take Me to Your Leader
Episode 16
Four Musketurtles
Episode 17
Turtles, Turtles, Everywhere
Episode 18
Cowabunga Shredhead
Episode 19
Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers
Episode 20
Camera Bugged
Episode 21
Green with Jealousy
Episode 22
Return of the Fly
Episode 23
Casey Jones – Outlaw Hero
Episode 24
Mutagen Monster
Episode 25
Corporate Raiders from Dimension X
Episode 26
Pizza by the Shred
Episode 27
Super Bebop & Mighty Rocksteady
Episode 28
Beware the Lotus
Episode 29
Blast from the Past
Episode 30
Leatherhead Terror of the Swamp
Episode 31
Michelangelo's Birthday
Episode 32
Usagi Yojimbo
Episode 33
Case of the Hot Kimono
Episode 34
Usagi Come Home
Episode 35
The Making of Metalhead
Episode 36
Leatherhead Meets the Rat King
Episode 37
The Turtle Terminator
Episode 38
The Great Boldini
Episode 39
The Missing Map
Episode 40
The Gang's All Here
Episode 41
The Grybyx
Episode 42
Mister Ogg Goes to Town
Episode 43
Episode 44
Bye, Bye, Fly
Episode 45
The Big Rip Off
Episode 46
The Big Break In
Episode 47
The Big Blow Out

الموسم الرابع 1990
Episode 1
Plan Six from Outer Space
Episode 2
Turtles of the Jungle
Episode 3
Michelangelo Toys Around
Episode 4
Peking Turtle
Episode 5
Shredder's Mom
Episode 6
Four Turtles and a Baby
Episode 7
Episode 8
Rondo in New York
Episode 9
Planet of the Turtles
Episode 10
Name That Toon
Episode 11
Menace Maestro, Please
Episode 12
Super Hero for a Day
Episode 13
Back to the Egg
Episode 14
Son of Return of the Fly
Episode 15
Raphael Knocks 'em Dead
Episode 16
Bebop and Rocksteady Conquer the Universe
Episode 17
Raphael Meets His Match
Episode 18
Slash – The Evil Turtle from Dimension X
Episode 19
Leonardo Lightens Up
Episode 20
Were-Rats from Channel 6
Episode 21
Funny, They Shrunk Michelangelo
Episode 22
The Big Zipp Attack
Episode 23
Donatello Makes Time
Episode 24
Farewell Lotus Blossom
Episode 25
Rebel Without a Fin
Episode 26
Episode 27
Michelangelo Meets Bugman
Episode 28
Poor Little Rich Turtle
Episode 29
What's Michelangelo Good For?
Episode 30
The Dimension X Story
Episode 31
Donatello's Degree
Episode 32
The Big Cufflink Caper!
Episode 33
Leonardo Versus Tempestra
Episode 34
Splinter Vanishes
Episode 35
Raphael Drives 'em Wild
Episode 36
Beyond the Donatello Nebula
Episode 37
Big Bug Blunder
Episode 38
The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting
Episode 39
Unidentified Flying Leonardo

الموسم الخامس 1991
Episode 1
The Turtles and The Hare
Episode 2
Once Upon a Time Machine
Episode 3
My Brother, the Bad Guy
Episode 4
Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko
Episode 5
Enter Mutagen Man
Episode 6
Donatello's Badd Time
Episode 7
Michelangelo Meets Bugman Again
Episode 8
Muckman Messes Up
Episode 9
Napoleon Bonafrog: Colossus of the Swamps
Episode 10
Raphael Versus The Volcano
Episode 11
Landlord of the Flies
Episode 12
Donatello's Duplicate
Episode 13
The Ice Creature Cometh
Episode 14
Leonardo Cuts Loose
Episode 15
Pirate Radio
Episode 16
Raphael, Turtle of a Thousand Faces
Episode 17
Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle
Episode 18
Zach and the Alien Invaders
Episode 19
Welcome Back Polarisoids
Episode 20
Michelangelo, the Sacred Turtle
Episode 21
Planet of the Turtleoids: Part 1
Episode 22
Planet of the Turtleoids: Part 2

الموسم السادس 1992
Episode 1
Rock Around the Block
Episode 2
Krangenstein Lives!
Episode 3
Super Irma
Episode 4
Adventures in Turtle-Sitting
Episode 5
Sword of Yurikawa
Episode 6
Return of the Turtleoid
Episode 7
Shreeka's Revenge
Episode 8
Too Hot to Handle
Episode 9
Nightmare in the Lair
Episode 10
Phantom of the Sewers
Episode 11
Donatello Trashes Slash
Episode 12
Leonardo is Missing
Episode 13
Snakes Alive!
Episode 14
Polly Wanna Pizza
Episode 15
Mr. Nice Guy
Episode 16
Sleuth on the Loose

1993 Vacation in Europe
Episode 1
Tower of Power
Episode 2
Rust Never Sleeps
Episode 3
A Real Snow Job
Episode 4
Venice on the Half-Shell
Episode 5
Episode 6
Ring of Fire
Episode 7
The Irish Jig Is Up
Episode 8
Shredder's New Sword
Episode 9
The Lost Queen of Atlantis
Episode 10
Turtles on the Orient Express
Episode 11
April Gets in Dutch
Episode 12
Northern Lights Out
Episode 13
Elementary, My Dear Turtle

الموسم السابع 1993
Episode 14
Night of the Dark Turtle
Episode 15
The Starchild
Episode 16
The Legend of Koji
Episode 17
Convicts from Dimension X
Episode 18
White Belt, Black Heart
Episode 19
Night of the Rogues
Episode 20
Attack of the Neutrinos
Episode 21
Escape from the Planet of the Turtleoids
Episode 22
Revenge of the Fly
Episode 23
Atlantis Awakes
Episode 24
Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter
Episode 25
Invasion of the Krangazoids
Episode 26
Combat Land
Episode 27
Shredder Triumphant!

الموسم الثامن 1994
Episode 1
Get Shredder!
Episode 2
Wrath of the Rat King
Episode 3
State of Shock
Episode 4
Cry H.A.V.O.C.!
Episode 5
H.A.V.O.C. in the Streets!
Episode 6
Enter: Krakus
Episode 7
Episode 8
Turtle Trek

الموسم التاسع 1995
Episode 1
The Unknown Ninja
Episode 2
Dregg of the Earth
Episode 3
The Wrath of Medusa
Episode 4
The New Mutation
Episode 5
The Showdown
Episode 6
Episode 7
Carter, the Enforcer
Episode 8

الموسم العاشر 1996
Episode 1
The Return of Dregg
Episode 2
The Beginning of the End
Episode 3
The Power of Three
Episode 4
A Turtle in Time
Episode 5
Turtles to the Second Power
Episode 6
Mobster from Dimension X
Episode 7
The Day the Earth Disappeared
Episode 8
Divide and Conquer

الحلقات الخاصة
Episode 1
The Great Crisis of the Super Turtles! The Saint Appears!
Episode 2
The Coming of the Guardian Beasts - The Metal Turtles Appear!

الفلم الخاص
Turtles Forever

عدد الحلقات 193 حلقة
عدد الاجزاء 10 اجزاء
عدد الحلقات الخاصة 2 حلقة
عدد الافلام الخاصة 1 فلم

عدل سابقا من قبل وئام قستي في الثلاثاء أبريل 22, 2014 10:09 am عدل 3 مرات
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نائبة المدير العام
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تاريخ التسجيل : 12/12/2011
الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 3138

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987   اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء ديسمبر 18, 2012 9:58 am

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المدير العام
وئام قستي

تاريخ التسجيل : 11/12/2011
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 7556

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اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987
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» اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation
» Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The 1980s Animated Turtles Return
» اسماء الحلقات وترتيبها Captain Tsubasa
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